

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

End-Time Stewardship

For some time now, we as Seventh-day Adventist® Christians have lived in the end of time. As we see cosmic birth pains accelerating and intensifying all around us, what should our end-time stewardship look like?

1 min read
Meet Me Under the Stars

It was one of those beautiful cloudless nights. The heat of the June day was now a cool night's gentle breeze.

2 min read
Politics in the Pews and Pulpit: Do’s and Dont’s

I have been hearing a lot of political talk recently at church; even the pastor has been making statements from the pulpit disparaging certain candidates and giving his opinion on political issues. Should the church be engaged in political activity like this?

2 min read
Vale la pena servir

“Entonces el Rey dirá a los de su derecha: “Venid, benditos de mi Padre, heredad el Reino preparado para vosotros desde la fundación del mundo, porque tuve hambre y me disteis de comer; tuve sed y me disteis de beber; fui forastero y me recogisteis; estuve desnudo y me vestisteis; enfermo y me visitasteis; en la cárcel y fuisteis a verme” (Mateo 25:34-36). 

2 min read
Moderation in All Things

A few years ago, as I was reading through Ellen G. White’s letters and manuscripts in the early 1860s, I observed that she frequently advised people to “tax” their energies but also to avoid “overtaxing” them. Further, she adapted her counsel depending on the circumstances. 

2 min read
Come Together

Some Seventh-day Adventists have the idea that camp meetings are unique to our movement. Actually, North American camp meetings have their origins in the religious life of the American frontier at a time when the population was spread over vast areas with few ministers to serve the sparse population.

2 min read

June/July 2024

Room for Grace

Prayer and health, including personal health and a system to pursue extending the healing ministry of Jesus, are both vital parts of our existence.

2 min read
Shiloh en español

Le he pedido a Ariel Padrón, pastor de la Iglesia Adventista Hispana Logan Square en Chicago, que nos relate la historia de la formación de una nueva congregación en la mencionada ciudad.  

2 min read
Heroes Have Flaws

At times, we have the tendency to regard people as “good guys” or “bad guys,” as if there is no in-between.

2 min read
Different Times, Same Principles

Associates of biblical research have been excavating at Shiloh since 2017. The archaeologists discovered not only the evidence for the destruction of Shiloh, to which prophet Jeremiah referred several centuries later, but also the place which most likely was hosting the tabernacle of God.

2 min read
Why That Gift to Your Pastor Requires Caution

Our pastor and his family have been with us for 10 years and the church wants to collect a special offering to treat the family to a vacation in celebration of their years of service. I’ve heard that the pastor would have to pay taxes on this gift. Is this true?

1 min read
Extending More Love and Compassion

One of the first things I did after stepping into my role as president and CEO of UChicago Medicine AdventHealth this past February was to immerse myself in The Whole Care Experience (TWCE), an interactive learning experience designed to align our team members under our mission, vision, values and service standards. 

2 min read

August 2024

November/December 2024

March 2023

Value in Unexpected Places

You know the story of Elisha and the widow (2 Kings 4). To refresh your memory, it’s about the widow who was experiencing grief, anxiety and fear, and approached the prophet with concerns about her family, their debt, their economic future and their survival.

2 min read
The Neglected Sister of Prayer

The concept of talking to the God of the universe is a wonderful, amazing thing. Wonderful, because who would think that you could have a conversation with the One who created you. And amazing, because He even listens and responds!

2 min read
La Iglesia Adventista necesita usar nuevos métodos

“Según la providencia de Dios, los que han estado soportando la carga de su obra se han estado esforzando por poner nueva vida en métodos antiguos de trabajo, y también por inventar nuevos planes y nuevos métodos para despertar el interés de los miembros de la iglesia para que realicen un esfuerzo unido a fin de alcanzar el mundo” (Consejos Sobre Mayordomía Cristiana, Page 199).

2 min read
From Personal Trauma to Global Impact

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is indebted to Rachel Oaks Preston (née Harris) (1809–1868), a Seventh Day Baptist, for sharing the biblical truth about the seventh-day Sabbath with a group of Advent believers in 1844.

2 min read
The Gospel in the City

A few months after I was elected president of the Illinois Conference in 2001, my wife and I took some visitors to the Hancock Building in Chicago. In the observation deck high above the streets of Chicago we could see for miles in all directions. While our guests were watching the sailboats out on the blue waters of Lake Michigan, I was on the other side of the deck staring out at the vastness that is Chicagoland.

2 min read

April 2023

May 2023

June/July 2023

September 2023

October 2023

Nueva Iglesia Latina Guía a Los Asistentes Por El Buen Camino

En el año 2018 un grupo de personas provenientes del Brasil, compuesto principalmente de estudiantes de la Universidad Andrews, comenzó a reunirse en la Iglesia Hispana Adventista de Berrien Springs antes del servicio.

2 min read
People Make Mistakes

A couple years ago, I stumbled over a puzzling private letter by F.M. Wilcox (1865–1951), a former long-time editor of the Review and Herald (1911–1944) and one of the original trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate after her death in 1915.

2 min read
Getting Your Affairs in Order (Part I)

I’m getting older and beginning to worry about what will happen when I can’t make decisions for myself. Besides dealing with health challenges, I don’t want to worry my loved ones about managing my assets. What steps should I take now to make life easier for my family in the long run?

2 min read
Stop Paying Your Tithe!

It was spring of 1989. The Berlin Wall was still standing, I was living on the other side of the Iron Curtain, in Poland. The world would wait another four years for publicly available internet, so messaging as we know it now didn’t exist yet.

2 min read
Generator Prayers

We barely think about the advantages of electricity until the power is gone. As I write, a large windstorm blew through our area and knocked out power for several days.

2 min read
Caring for Those Who Care

The weight of pastoral responsibilities often goes unnoticed, hidden beneath the facade of strength that ministers project. However, acknowledging and addressing pastors' mental health is essential for sustaining their well-being and effectiveness.

3 min read

November/December 2023

March 2022

April 2022

June/July 2022

Grace in a pandemic

God works in mysterious ways. When I boarded an 11-hour flight to travel over 5,000 miles from Ghana, West Africa, to the U.S. in December 2019, I did not know I would soon experience some of the most incredible milestones in my life.

1 min read
Values of true leadership

As a resident on the General Management track of AdventHealth’s Emerging Leadership Program, I have the privilege to work with leaders of its four suburban Chicago hospitals. My residency track is a two-to-three-year program that focuses on preparing participants for leadership roles by providing a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of hospital operations.

2 min read
Education evangelism

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God. He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27 RSV)

1 min read
Taking God with you

I have a great friend with whom I would run all the time. During these runs we would talk about life, the good, the bad, the ugly. We were honest with each other, and the runs became therapeutic, getting things off our chests.

2 min read
Una experiencia inolvidable

“Se le acercó mucha gente que traía consigo cojos, ciegos, mudos, mancos y otros muchos enfermos. Los pusieron a los pies de Jesús, y los sanó; de manera que la multitud se maravillaba al ver que los mudos hablaban, los mancos quedaban sanos, los cojos andaban y los ciegos veían. Y glorificaban al Dios de Israel” (Mateo 15:30-31).

2 min read
Coming Home

On the morning of April 1, 2022, staff members of AdventHealth’s four suburban Chicago hospitals walked into work on red carpets, many smiling and rejoicing as the hospitals celebrated the start of a new day as AdventHealth Hinsdale, AdventHealth Bolingbrook, AdventHealth La Grange and AdventHealth GlenOaks.

2 min read

August 2022

September 2022

Origins of Andrews University

The direct origins of this first Adventist institution of higher learning, its name and current location, are known probably only to some Adventist veterans and history buffs.

2 min read
Identifying with imperfect pioneers

Introduction: Last month we published the final chapter of George Knight’s book, Lest We Forget. We now introduce a new column brought to you by the Center for Adventist Research. The name of the column, HIStory, is emblematic of the fact that we firmly believe that the story of the Adventist denomination and its people is a segment of the everlasting gospel. So our history is included in His story of redemption and love. —Editor

2 min read
Ten percent becomes one billion

From the very beginning of earth’s history (Gen 4 and 14:20), the Bible provides insights into tithes and offerings, considered a demonstration of one’s faith and complete dependences on God.

2 min read
Embracing Faith

Tyler Kern’s passion for filmmaking began when he was just three years old. He recalls, “My mother would always record me with her camcorder, and I loved being in front of and behind the camera.” His early years of life were filled with creativity and discovery as he pieced together home movies, commercials and music videos.

2 min read
What God taught me

My name is Delilah Drew and I’m a senior at Andrews University studying Medical Laboratory Science. My five siblings and I attended all of the Adventist schools in Berrien Springs prior to college. You could say our family supports Christian education very well. My older sister, who did student missions in Kosrae, Micronesia, encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone by giving God a year of service.

2 min read
Indianápolis inaugura un templo nuevo

“El Señor usará a muchos hombres y mujeres con habilidades comunes. Al trabajar de manera humilde alcanzarán el corazón de la gente. . . . La cantidad de bien que estos portadores de luz en realidad logran no puede ser jamás comprendida en este mundo” (EUM Ms 34, 1902, pár. 8).

2 min read

October 2022

November/December 2022

March 2021

April 2021

May 2021

June/July 2021

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

March 2020

April 2020

May 2020

June/July 2020

January 2019

February 2019

March 2019

April 2019

May 2019

June/July 2019

August 2019

September 2019

October 2019

August 2018

September 2018

October 2018

November/December 2018