In a partnership with the Adventist University of Africa and Hope Channel Africa, a consignment of food was delivered on November 19, 2023, to a region of Sub-Saharan Africa.

February 8, 2024

South Bend Church Moves to Alleviate Hunger Crisis in Africa

Indiana’s South Bend Church has initiated a project to help alleviate hunger in a region of Sub-Saharan Africa.

The church’s support of the Maasai community in Kenya started last year with a Christmas project to raise funds to support three church companies in Kajiado, Kenya, that are experiencing famine.  

In a partnership with the Adventist University of Africa and Hope Channel Africa, a consignment of food was delivered on November 19, 2023.  

South Bend Associate Pastor Omwocha Nyaribo is from Kenya and approached his congregation about taking on this project because he was aware of the widespread suffering.

"The church responded so well," he said. "We quickly raised $9,000."

According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Kenya is one of the many countries in Sub-Sahara Africa currently experiencing one of the most alarming food crisis in decades. Severe drought due to the failure of four consecutive rainy seasons, mean millions of people in the country are facing hunger and thirst. 


Furthermore, Save the Children is projecting an estimated one million children under the age of 5 and 135,000 pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are acutely malnourished in and in need of treatment. 

At South Bend First Church, the vision is to empower the Maasai community to becoming self-sustainable by drilling three wells and imparting sustainable farming practices. 

The church has partnered with Maranatha Volunteer International to drill these wells in June and July 2024. The goal is to raise $30,000 to make this a reality and ensure they never suffer from hunger or thirst again. 

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. . . “ Matthew 25:35

Indiana Conference Communication