June 29, 2022

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I Choose to Teach | Inside the Herald | April 2023

March 29, 2023

Teachers from across the Lake Union share their testimonies of why they've chosen the education field as their profession and place of ministry.

The April 2023 Lake Union Herald issue is dedicated to Adventist education highlighting stories of teachers who've answered the call to serve in the classrooms.

"We are inspired by the dedicated service of educators charged with a higher calling to accomplish a greater good and, too, by students who lift our spirits—daily; who through their resilience, potential and scholarship remind us, sometimes years later, of why we’ve chosen this impactful profession.

You know well a looming threat to our education system globally. No, it’s not finances, which we agree is an ever-present necessity. It’s a steady and disquieting decline of the teaching workforce. I ask this question: Who will go? Who will choose to keep the flame flickering in the hearts of our children and youth, to meet the embrace of their Savior, to be equipped to serve in a rapidly changing world, and confidently transition to the next phase of their educational pursuits?" - Dr. Ruth Horton, Lake Union director of education

Read more at: bit.ly/ichoosetoteach

Are you called to be an educator? Reach out to our education department at www.lakeunion.org.