Illinois pastor Matthew Lucio launched the Adventist History Podcast three years ago and has watched interest grow exponentially each year. This Spring, he's set to introduce another podcast called "Adventists are Weird."

January 25, 2019

Adventist History Podcast Proving Popular

Illlinois—Who says history is boring, especially church history? Certainly not Matthew Lucio.  The Illinois Conference pastor is so passionate, in fact,...

Illlinois—Who says history is boring, especially church history? Certainly not Matthew Lucio.  The Illinois Conference pastor is so passionate, in fact, he started podcasting on the subject — starting with the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to just past the time of Ellen White’s death. 


What’s a podcast, you ask? In Lucio’s own words, it’s “basically a radio show on the internet.” His Adventist History Podcast (AHP) has gone off the charts in just the last 11 months. What started out as 12 downloads has exploded to 130K (meaning, potentially, 130,000 people — from around the world — are regularly listening). Other Adventist podcasters (yes, there’s even an association that has formed) report a similar trend. Find out more about that in an upcoming Lake Union Herald.


Producing a podcast is no small feat. It takes about a 25-hour week for Lucio to complete his monthly show, which he records in a small room behind his Peoria Church sanctuary. He does all of his own writing and research, then there’s the actual recording and post-production work (where swallows, awkward breathing and word stumbles get edited out). Lucio admits he’s spent upwards of $1,000 of his own money for equipment alone, not to mention the $21/month in storing/hosting costs. The greater exposure, though, has resulted in a little relief — he has received some sponsorships, and been energized enough to begin work on a new podcast (due out later this spring), called endearingly, “Adventists are Weird.”


To check it out, go to Lucio’s website. You also will find his podcast on Facebook or other podcasting apps on your phone.


Cheri Lewis, freelance writer based in the Quad Cities of Illinois


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