April 1, 2019

“But, Lord, I don’t see how!”

Have you ever said that when struggling over a concern with your Heavenly Father in prayer? You just can’t see a way around or through your mountain of problems.

Or maybe you’re praying for a loved one to return to, or simply begin to embrace Christ. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understand- ing; In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5–6, NIV).

Truly, it is not for us to see every detail on this Christian journey. We are to learn to trust God. It could very well be that the Lord will show us the way as we get closer to our mountain.

Real success lies in keeping our hand in His, as we trust Him. It requires a degree of confidence in God’s skill set. Remember, He is Creator of everything and He knows exactly when and how to reach aching souls, longing for the touch of the Master’s hand and the solution to the problem. While waiting, we must not forget that each of us in special to Him. We can pray David’s prayer: Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me under the shadow of your wings (Psalm 17:8 NIV). As we continue to seek our Heavenly Father in prayer, we will gain new insights, according to His will.

I recently had a test-of-faith situation requiring much prayer and real patience. The response I received was: “Wait, my child.” I accepted God’s response and had to wait. The situation could have gone a different way.

I could have become impatient with God and, like a wayward child, done what I thought was best from my limited perspective. But that would have demonstrated a lack of faith and confidence in my Father. It wouldn’t have shown God I truly love Him — and trust Him.

I was encouraged by the words of Paul, Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12 NIV). I trusted God to take care of it — and He did!

Amazingly, phenomenally, He gave me a joyful heart. My loving Father answered my prayer in His way — the best way, and the best time. Praise God!

As we get closer to Jesus’ return, the road ahead may be filled with debris, pitfalls and mountains we have never encountered before. But we have hope that one day, “Soon, and very soon, we are going to see the King.”1 Think about that and remember what He has brought you through — illnesses, difficult situations, family issues, that job that only He could have made possible, financial resources, trying circumstances.... And here you are, no longer afraid, but hopeful, faithful, thankful — hallelujah!

Let’s stop being so ready to look around but, rather, look up, being joyful in hope. . . . Continue praying, fervently, honestly, with trust in our God who can protect us under the shadow of His wings!

May your paths be sure, my brothers and sisters. And may your commitment by faith to the most loving, merciful, “rest-in-my-arms-I’ve-got-you” Father continue until we see Him face to face.