December 4, 2019

Counting Your Blessings

This article is the beginning of something new — a spot in the Herald dedicated to stories, perspectives and insights on stewardship. My hope is that you...

This article is the beginning of something new — a spot in the Herald dedicated to stories, perspectives and insights on stewardship. My hope is that you will find it interesting, helpful, and even thought-provoking occasionally. The articles will be short, written by different authors which will bring a wealth of ideas to the table. In time, if these articles could help all of us be more comfortable with and excited over this assignment God has given — to be stewards, I would be delighted.


At the beginning of this journey, I would encourage you to start a list. You could journal it in a special notebook, you could put it on your mobile device, or you could put up sticky notes — in Bible times they used rocks. Do it in writing. This would be a list of blessings God has given. The blessing could be an answered prayer, thankfulness for a close friend, or garden produce shared by someone that loves to garden. The idea would be to review it now and then to remember how God has blessed. You could even use it to encourage others at a time when they need encouragement. Ellen White suggested this in a May 7, 1908, Review and Herald article. She wrote, “The blessings received should be promptly acknowledged. The record of them should be placed in our diary, that when we take the book in hand, we may remember the goodness of the Lord, and praise His holy name.”


James 4:8 NLT (first part) says, Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Remembering and reviewing your record of God’s blessings is one way of coming close to God, and His promise is that He will come close to you. I think coming close to God is part of being a good steward, don’t you?

Jon Corder is Stewardship director of the Lake Union Conference.