March 13, 2023

Hurried, Worried and Buried

I met Frank on a crowded business flight. As he lowered his breathless, oversized body into the narrow seat, wiping perspiration from his brow, he activated his smart phone with one hand while whisking his laptop out of its case with the other.

Not yielding a second to take in his surroundings, get comfortable or relax, he hammered away on his laptop while making a rapid series of phone calls, until the flight attendant forced a reprieve.    

Frank was a successful marketing executive. But his health was in shambles: he was overweight, had high blood pressure, and suffered from insomnia. He had no close friends. His wife had left him. His life alternated from “bouncing-off-the-walls” busy to inert and apathetic. He lived alone, eating mounds of ice cream, snack foods and soda pop as he decompressed in front of the television in an attempt to stave off soaring stress levels and nagging loneliness.  

Frank’s story illustrates the saying: “We hurry, we worry, and we bury.” So many of us are hooked on busy, but are barren when it comes to life’s most important priorities. We get a lot done, but because there is no balance, it’s doing us in—physically, emotionally and spiritually.    

The following three principles lay the foundation for achieving balance while striving for personal, family and professional success. They are essential and achievable whether you are a busy traveling professional, harried housewife or stressed student. 

  1. Take time for your physical health. Nix the mindset that you are too busy to take care of your health. Nutrition, exercise and rest are essential tools for managing multiple priorities and busy schedules; they are not optional for busy people.    
  2. Take time for your mental and spiritual health. Zoning out in front of the television or internet for hours saps energy and increases fatigue and tension. Mentally refreshing diversions, though, are like mini-vacations for the brain. These include relaxing hobbies, recreation, social time, learning new tasks, and volunteering. In addition, spiritual health is at the center of a balanced lifestyle.  
  3. Pare down or you’ll wear down. When we are crazy busy and about to snap, the inevitable result is inefficiency, irritability, ill-health and imbalance. There are many good things to do, but sometimes doing “good things” can crowd out what is “best.”  Focus on your most important priorities.  

God cares about your schedule—He wants you to rest physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He invites you to enter into His rest.   

We all have multiple roles and responsibilities, including work, spousal, parenting, personal, church and community. Each role can be fulfilling and energizing when kept in balance. Will you take that step today that will build more balance, strength, confidence and perseverance into your life tomorrow? A balanced life is shaped one day at a time—not by chance—but by choice!   

Visit us at or call 1-866-624-5433 for resources to build a better brain, body and lifestyle.   


Vicki Griffin is the Michigan Conference health director.