Indiana Conference President Vic Van Schaik, left, officially welcomes the Maranatha Haitian Group into the Indiana Conference in November 2021.
During the week of October 23-30, 2021, two Indianapolis Haitian congregations each held a week of spiritual emphasis. Both the Maranatha Haitian Group on the west side and the Indianapolis Haitian Group on the east side had approximately 30 people in attendance, with over 90 attending each congregation on both Sabbath mornings.
The revivals resulted in five baptisms, and 22 new members are expected to join the congregations soon through profession of faith.
Each Sabbath, visitors are welcomed and as reported in the Lake Union Herald, Haitian population in Indianapolis continues to grow.
Two deacons and two elders were ordained by Pastor Vic Van Schaik and Pastor Andre Trofort on November 20, 2021. During the same Sabbath service, the Maranatha Haitian Group was officially welcomed into the Indiana Conference.
Praise God for His blessing upon these new congregations.
Andre Trofort, pastor of the Maranatha Group