With less than three months to the mega clinic coming to downtown Indianapolis, Indiana Conference president has issued a special call for prayer.
“Our conference will embark on probably the largest evangelistic effort it has ever been part of,” Vic Van Schaik wrote in his message to Indiana members, in reference to the Your Best Pathway to Health clinic, convening April 8-10. “If there is anything of significance going to happen in 2020, it will come as a direct result of God’s people praying.”
Van Schaik released a list of specific prayers needs and explained that the scriptures reveal a clear link between revival and prayer. When the church prayed, there was a distinct demonstration of God’s power. Revival soon followed.
“Luke writes, in speaking of the disciples, ‘These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication’ (Acts 1:14). The early believers were on their knees praying for the promised power (Acts 1:8). They humbled themselves before God, confessing and repenting of their sins. When their hearts were right and the conditions were realized, the Holy Spirit was poured out in a mighty way on the day of Pentecost. The Bible says three thousand were baptized in one day. But their prayers did not cease after the multitude of baptisms. Luke says, ‘They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers’ (Acts 2:42).”
Van Schaik went on to write that years ago, Ellen White gave specific instructions. “A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer” (Selected Messages, book 1, p. 121).
He issued a challenge: “If revival is what we long for, what keeps us from praying as we should? The early church united in prayer. And their prayers moved the world. I wonder, ‘Can the same thing happen today?’ The answer is yes.”
Ignite Indiana Prayer Points for January 27-February 1:
1 - Volunteers for Pathway to Health - We are thankful for all of those able to volunteer for both medical and non-medical; however, dentists are our greatest need during the clinic. Please pray that we are able to fulfill this need in a timely manner.
2 - Bible study card follow-ups - We have some churches that are struggling to cover this important need. Please pray that we can reach all of those who have sent in cards.
3 - Bible Workers - We are blessed to have trained Bible workers who are out every day going door-to-door. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will connect them with those that are searching and will respond to an invitation to study the Bible.
With less than three months to the mega clinic coming to downtown Indianapolis, Indiana Conference president has issued a special call for prayer.
“Our conference will embark on probably the largest evangelistic effort it has ever been part of,” Vic Van Schaik wrote in his message to Indiana members, in reference to the Your Best Pathway to Health clinic, convening April 8-10. “If there is anything of significance going to happen in 2020, it will come as a direct result of God’s people praying.”
Van Schaik released a list of specific prayers needs and explained that the scriptures reveal a clear link between revival and prayer. When the church prayed, there was a distinct demonstration of God’s power. Revival soon followed.
“Luke writes, in speaking of the disciples, ‘These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication’ (Acts 1:14). The early believers were on their knees praying for the promised power (Acts 1:8). They humbled themselves before God, confessing and repenting of their sins. When their hearts were right and the conditions were realized, the Holy Spirit was poured out in a mighty way on the day of Pentecost. The Bible says three thousand were baptized in one day. But their prayers did not cease after the multitude of baptisms. Luke says, ‘They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers’ (Acts 2:42).”
Van Schaik went on to write that years ago, Ellen White gave specific instructions. “A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer” (Selected Messages, book 1, p. 121).
He issued a challenge: “If revival is what we long for, what keeps us from praying as we should? The early church united in prayer. And their prayers moved the world. I wonder, ‘Can the same thing happen today?’ The answer is yes.”
Ignite Indiana Prayer Points for January 27-February 1:
1 - Volunteers for Pathway to Health - We are thankful for all of those able to volunteer for both medical and non-medical; however, dentists are our greatest need during the clinic. Please pray that we are able to fulfill this need in a timely manner.
2 - Bible study card follow-ups - We have some churches that are struggling to cover this important need. Please pray that we can reach all of those who have sent in cards.
3 - Bible Workers - We are blessed to have trained Bible workers who are out every day going door-to-door. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will connect them with those that are searching and will respond to an invitation to study the Bible.