Shiloh’s Children’s Ministry department
LAKE REGION—Over the last 15 years of his ministry, William Lee noticed that when the laity is passionately engaged, their love for Christ grows while sensitively for the lost and desire for making a difference in the community increases.
On Sabbath, Feb. 16, Lee who serves as senior pastor of Chicago’s Shiloh Church, preached a message entitled, “Can I Get a Witness?” from Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:18–20, where he challenged his congregation to become actively engaged in mission and ministry by using their spiritual gifts for the kingdom of God. “The question our Lord is asking the Christian Church [Adventism] in the 21st century is, ‘Can I get a witness?’” he told the members. “The command of Christ, in Luke 10:2, was not to pray for the harvest, but to pray for the laborers, His disciples, the church, that they might use the power Jesus has given to them to labor and minister to people.”
Immediately after the worship service, Shiloh’s 30 church ministries assembled in the fellowship hall to host their first ever Ministry Fair, aimed at attracting members to actively engage in ministry for inreach and outreach. “We are challenging our membership to see themselves not as members, but as active disciples,” he said.
All ministries presented and shared their goals, objectives and plans to reach lost people for Jesus. Excitement and joy were in the air as church members walked through the fair, learning what ministries are doing and planning for 2019. Booths included were: greeters, Bible workers, bereavement, family ministries, ushers and many others. Watch video here.
During the ministry fair, several people not currently involved in any ministry signed up for one or two ministries they felt the Lord calling them to do. One of them, Vivian Joseph, said she enjoyed the atmosphere of the fair and decided to serve as a greeter. “I enjoy greeting and meeting people,” she said, plus the greeter job is “not too hard to handle.”
The idea for the fair was first pitched by Lee to Personal Ministries leader and elder, Karl Watson, in early January. The concept then gained traction during an all-day leadership training event. Even though some of the ministry leaders were somewhat hesitant because they hadn’t done anything like this before, their excitement picked up as their creative energy took over.
Lee is praying that Shiloh, with its mission statement, “Reaching Chicago with the Everlasting Gospel One Heart at a Time,” will make a major difference in the city as members work to share the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. “We are stronger together than apart! It doesn’t matter how young or old a person is, we must use or gifts and talents for the work of ministry. All God wants is our ‘Yes!’ So, when our Lord asks us, ‘Can I Get a Witness?’ please respond, ‘Yes, Lord, Here I am, send me.’”