June 20, 2019

“Keep Kosrae Prayed and Cared For” campaign launched

As you may know, the Lake Union Conference has been paired with the Micronesian island of Kosrae. North American Division president Dan Jackson invited each...

As you may know, the Lake Union Conference has been paired with the Micronesian island of Kosrae. North American Division president Dan Jackson invited each Union to adopt an island in the Guam-Micronesia Mission.


A Lake Union team who visited Kosrae in early 2019 were welcomed with open arms and grateful hearts. They witnessed the commitment that the church members have to bring to Christ the 6,000 island inhabitants. The positive impact the Kosrae School is making in the lives of their 50 students, 36 of whom are from non-Adventist homes, is unmistakable.


Pray for Kosrae

Knowing that the people in the Illinois, Indiana, Lake Region, Michigan and Wisconsin conferences are praying for them is a source of strength and encouragement.


Support Kosrae Fundraisers

We are encouraging everyone to work together in raising $75,000 for a gym which will not only benefit the school and church, but also provide opportunities for others on the island. The webpage (https://kosraelakeunion.org) is now live and you can donate online.


Posters are available at this summer’s camp meetings and/or your local conference Education office.


The church members of this island need us. Even though they are dedicated, they are few in number. Our Union can work together in 2019 and in the years ahead to affirm, encourage and assist God’s work in this part of the world.