"I was one of those tiny little faraway specks of light in that vast black sea that Abraham saw. That same Creator God was still up there ruling the universe and now He wanted to commune with me."

May 1, 2024

Meet Me Under the Stars

It was one of those beautiful cloudless nights. The heat of the June day was now a cool night's gentle breeze.

As I silently walked past the line of small cabins and parked motor homes, only a few soft voices were heard coming from behind closed doors. It was after curfew on Saturday night at Camp Wakonda. 

Camp meeting had started the night before. Now the first Sabbath was over— a day filled with smiles, powerful Spirit-filled meetings, family, friends and food. 

My husband, Greg, and I were the conference prayer coordinators and therefore in charge of the early morning prayer and share time starting at 6 a.m. It was informal but many people came at that early hour with blankets in hand to share how God was blessing in their life or in their church or in their community. Our prayer times together seems to always produce a miracle before camp meeting was over, which only our group recognized  for what it truly was: an answer to prayer. One such miracle took place in Austria, as we prayed in Wisconsin. 

The next morning was my time to lead out and I needed to talk with God alone. I wanted to stand under the stars I knew were there, if only I could get to the ballfield for a clear view. The camp’s majestic tall pines blocked a lot of the sky. When I reached the edge of the campground, I stopped and stared. I was not disappointed. Suddenly I felt a kinship to Abraham when God called him to come out of his tent and count the stars if he were able (Gen. 15:5). His seeds would be as numerous as the stars. 

I was one of those tiny little faraway specks of light in that vast black sea that Abraham saw. That same Creator God was still up there ruling the universe and now He wanted to commune with me. 

I suddenly felt very small yet very loved and important in His eyes. I was not standing there alone. I did not have to speak. Our hearts seem to be one. A heartwarming smile came over me as I asked Him what He would like me to share with His little early morning praying family. Again, I wasn’t disappointed. 

This year at camp meeting, or whenever and wherever you are, answer His call to your heart, to meet Him out under the stars. Your name is on one of those stars. You won’t be disappointed. 

Lesa Budd is the Wisconsin Conference prayer coordinator.