Rubén Bullón, his wife Rosilene, and his daughters Julia on the left and Laura on the right

March 4, 2019

New Hispanic Coordinator in Illinois

When a Hispanic Adventist hears or reads the name Bullón, the evangelist Alejandro Bullón comes to mind. Many of us have heard his preaching, either...
When a Hispanic Adventist hears or reads the name Bullón, the evangelist Alejandro Bullón comes to mind. Many of us have heard his preaching, either personally or on one of the Adventist television channels. But what not everyone knows is that in the Bullón family there is another evangelist: his son, Rubén Bullón.


Pastor Bullón was born in Peru, but he grew up and spent most of his youth in Brazil. He began his ministry in a district of ten churches in the Central Planalto Conference in Brazil. During the two years he was there he baptized 270 souls. Then he moved to another district where he was pastor of five churches. There he established a school, produced radio programs for the community, organized small groups in the five churches and baptized 75 souls in one year. From 2002 to 2009 he held various positions in Brazil. He was director of personal ministries in two conferences as well as youth director in another.

In 2010 he came to the United States and worked as a pastor of the Hillsboro Hispanic Church for the Oregon Association. While there he planted a new bilingual church, established a food bank and carried out two evangelistic campaigns per year. In 2012, Pastor Rubén Bullón and his family accepted the call to be an evangelist of that conference.

I met Pastor Rubén Bullón a few years ago at one of the meetings for Hispanic leaders at the Division level. At that time he worked as an evangelist for the Texas Association. On that occasion I was very impressed by his enthusiasm for evangelism. He has conducted his own evangelistic campaigns, and has coordinated campaigns of other pastors in various churches in the state of Texas. After six years in that conference, Pastor Bullón has accepted the call to serve as a ministerial associate and Hispanic coordinator of the Illinois Conference. Your presence will be a great blessing for the Lake Union.

We are very grateful to God for being able to count on the ministry of Pastor Bullón, his wife Rosilene and their daughters Julia and Laura. I invite the Hispanic brothers in our Union to pray for this family so that God blesses her greatly in the task of guiding the Hispanic work in Chicago and other cities in the state of Illinois.