
March 4, 2020

Our United Cry

“Jesus has been delivering His goods to His servants age after age. One generation after another has been gathering up the hereditary trust; the talents have increased largely by use and have descended to us."

“We are as His hired servants. He has bought us, paid the ransom money in His own blood to secure our willing service. Some, like yourself, feel the responsibility of trading upon the goods of Heaven committed to them. You long to bring a greater income to your Lord. You are unreconciled to the smallness of the largest gifts which you can lay on the altar for Christ. The utmost of time and effort you can give to the Master seems all too little, and you bemoan the imperfect service.

“Look to the uplifted Saviour. He is not dead and in Joseph’s new tomb, with a great stone rolled before it. He has risen! He has risen! He stands as our great High Priest! He maketh intercession for you. All He asks of you is just to use the talents entrusted. If you think that God has given you five talents, then be consoled that He does not require of you the improvement of ten. In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I bid you look up. The rainbow of promise is encircling the throne.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3). You may gratify your love for Jesus, and without stint pour out the wealth of affection you have for Him. Say, ‘I can in thought and desire serve Him continually.’ You may feel that your influence with men is limited; but you can have constant communication with God. While others plead with men, you plead with God, and then with men.

“Could there be a convocation of all the churches on earth, the object of their united cry should be for the Holy Spirit. When we have that, Christ our sufficiency is ever present. We shall have every want supplied. We shall have the mind of Christ. While you yearn over the whole human race, you will have One by your side who hath said, Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20 KJV). Have you not then a helper? One who died for the recovery of the world? Have you not a Sufficiency? Is not He your Counselor? and is He not devising fresh methods for the saving of the souls for whom He died? While we are His instruments to seek and save the lost, we must permit the work of saving to rest on our Saviour. While in your prayers you present the great want of souls before the world’s Redeemer, commit both yourself and them to Him as His own purchased possession. Your only hope for yourself and for them is in Jesus. He bears your name upon His breast. Your prayers may rise with an importunity that will not accept denial; that is faith.”

Ellen G. White (Ms. 8-1892.8-12)

“Our United Cry” Prayer Conference, March 6 and 7, at the Embassy Suites in Plainfield, Indiana. Visit: