Pioneer Memorial Church raised $10,250 to build 41 beds, and on April 10, 2022 over 100 volunteers gathered to build and then deliver the beds. Photo Credit: Ben Martin
I still remember the night. I was watching the NBC Evening News a few years ago when they did a story on Sleep in Heavenly Peace. It’s a national nonprofit dedicated to building beds for kids in need. After seeing the story, I met with the superintendent at the time for the Benton Harbor Area Schools, and she confirmed that this is a real issue in our community. Too many kids sleep on the floor or couches, not in proper beds.
Fast forward to last summer, and I became aware that Pastor Chad Bernard, the Youth Director for the Michigan Conference, was starting to do a lot of these bed-building initiatives through his ministry Field Work. I contacted him, and we began planning this particular event.
When an organization partners with Sleep in Heavenly Peace, they are responsible for fundraising the number of beds they’d like to build and for ensuring enough volunteers for the build day. Sleep in Heavenly Peace, then, comes in with a tried-and-true plan, leaders, and machines in order to successfully do the build day.
Pioneer Memorial Church raised $10,250 to build 41 beds, and on April 10, 2022 over 100 volunteers gathered to build and then deliver the beds. We received names of families that needed beds through several partner organizations including Harbor of Hope Church, the Boys and Girls Club of Benton Harbor, and by reaching out to other contacts and families. We praise God that we were able to bless the community in such a practical way.
Rodlie Ortiz, D.Min., associate pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church