May 1, 2024

Trusting All the Way

Wherever we may be on the journey with Jesus, as with any relationship, trust remains the bedrock for that pilgrimage.

Come and explore with us how trust shapes the journey even as we face such uncertain times. Throughout Scriptures so often there is much reference to faith. The Hall of Faith chapter in the book of Hebrews remains a constant. We will look at a few of those characters to learn about how their journey with God inspires us in our journey with Him who is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. 

As those who attend these yearly gatherings know, this is a time to be reminded of what matters most and to come together for encouragement, fellowship, and to discover more about how our lives can grow with the “grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). This yearly gathering designed for the whole family serves as a rich source of refreshment. It is a time to get away from the routines of life to dig deep into His word. The seminars are designed for us to consider those things we cannot see…which is why trust remains so central to the journey.   

Finally, by reflecting upon some of the lives in that chapter, we are reminded that they did not have it all together. At times, they did not demonstrate high degrees of trust and reliance upon God. And yet, the trajectory of their lives is remembered by Paul as people of faith. So, if you don’t have your life altogether, come. If you have forgotten the deeper levels of trust in Jesus, come. If your trust in the midst of life’s challenges seems weaker lately, come. If that which surrounds you clouds the One who is near you, come. 

How do we want to be remembered? What legacy do we want to leave behind?  Can we even dream of being in that hall with those who have gone before? 

Come…let us worship together! 


John Grys is Illinois Conference president.