Twenty-two Pathfinder teams tested their knowledge on the book of Joshua at the Lake Union Pathfinder Bible Experience on March 30, 2024, at the Village Seventh-day Adventist Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan. [PC: Stanton Witherspoon]
Craig Harris, Lake Union PBE coordinator, said it was “exciting” to witness the Pathfinders journey from area level to conference level to the union level. From here, those who finished in first place, or 90% of the top scorers, go on to the Division level.
Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) has evolved over the years, becoming the official North American Division Pathfinder Bible study program. Teams of six club members immerse themselves in the study of a designated book of the Bible, demonstrating their mastery of Scripture through rigorous testing. The winning teams are extreme students of the Bible and in most cases memorize chapters and, in some cases the entire book(s), as well as the SDA Bible Commentary introduction.
PBE, as it’s commonly known, was developed to help Pathfinders and young people meditate and reflect on what the Bible says and how it applies to their lives. It features ideas for application to help Pathfinders use what they study and apply it to their daily experience at home, school and church.
Harris pointed out this isn’t a new program, but it’s one which goes by a newer name than some might remember. “It's been around for a long time and used to be called Pathfinder Bible Bowl--those of you who are old-timers, you’ll remember that,” said Harris, “and now it is the Pathfinder Bible Experience, a perfectly named event for our young people diving into the Word of God.”
As the Pathfinders set their sights on the Division testing slated for April 19-20, 2024 in Greeley, Colorado, they carry with them the dedication, knowledge, and camaraderie fostered through months of intensive study.
More photos available on Flickr.
You can get more information, including how to watch a livestream of the North American Division testing on April 19-20, 2024 at:
Stanton Witherspoon is a volunteer contributor in the Lake Union Communication department.