This is a special prayer conference organized by the Lake Union to focus upon evangelism for the great city of Indianapolis. This prayer conference will be taking place Friday, March 11th and will continue into Sabbath March 12 at the Embassy Suites Conference Center in Plainfield, Indiana.
You see this conference, this prayer conference, this focused prayer conference is designed to help fulfill the dream that the spirit of God led Ellen White to indicate, “could there be a convocation of all the churches on the earth the object of their united cry be for the Holy Spirit." When we have that, Christ our sufficiency is ever present, and we shall have every want supplied. We shall have the mind of Christ.
My dear friends, I hope that you’ll be a part of this prayer conference to ask the holy spirit to bring all of us into one accord just like the early church experience. And based on what the Lord has said in John 17 we believe God is calling all of his church to fulfill that prayer that they also may be one in us that the world would believe that you sent me.
That’s why there is a united cry prayer service. You can register at the United Cry website Appropriate COVID safety measures will be taken with masks, handwashing and social distancing, but the main thing is the Holy Spirit will be there. God will be guiding you in a very special way.
I invite you to be part of the Lake Union United Cry prayer conference leading towards the wonderful Your Best Pathway to Health and also evangelistic meetings in Indianapolis and I plan to be there May 21-28 in the Warren Performing Arts Center. What an opportunity it will be to see the florican of thousands of prayers focusing upon God’s power working in the great city of Indianapolis. May God bless each one of you as you participate in this United Cry Prayer Conference.
Lake Union Herald Staff