August 2019 Issue

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August 2019 Issue



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Church-based Adult Mentoring

Mentoring may be conceived as a meaningful and trusting relationship between a young person (the mentee) and an experienced adult (the mentor) who takes on the responsibility of nurturing the spiritual, emotional, academic and social development of the mentee.

2 min read
Hope in Despair

Emotional stress is a normal part of life. As a physician, not only must I deal with my own personal stress, but I am faced with helping other people manage their stress. Prayer, friendship and professional counseling have all, at one time or another, helped me stay grounded.

2 min read
Leading the Charge

On a summer day in 1879, fourteen-year-old Luther Warren and seventeen-year-old Harry Fenner walked along a country road in Hazleton, a Michigan town between Flint and Lansing. They were worried about their friends who seemed to be slipping away from God and wondered what they could do to help them. The idea of establishing a boys’ mission society began to develop in their minds so, right there, in a corner of a deserted field, they knelt down and prayerfully committed their plans to God.  

1 min read
Chad Bernard

Chad Bernard joined the Youth Department of the Michigan Conference in the summer of 2017, as an associate to Ken Micheff, after several years of serving as the principal of Weimar Academy in central California. He prayerfully took the reins this past spring as Ken shifted his primary attention to Camp Au Sable.

5 min read
It’s About Mentorship

The parable of the talents in Matthew 25 teaches a multitude of lessons: the critical need to place complete trust in God, the rewards of using spiritual gifts in His service, the fulfillment that comes from completing even the smallest task with whole commitment. It is a product of the Master Storyteller with a unique interpretation for each reader

7 min read